mossel bay LAUNCH SITE
Dana Bay Take-Off 2-1 Nutans Street
Skywings Club Site
Wind: SSE to SSW: 24 – 28Km/h (if wind is to strong for 1st Beach launch)
ASL and above ground height: < 300m
Rules and Regs:
Very sensitive residents – Treat with respect – Don’t fly over houses
Dangers: Only fly off towards right hand side untill enough height obtained
Contact details: Frikkie Gouws – 072 237 4054
Observer for area details: Frikkie Gouws – 072 237 4054
GPS co-ordinates: -34.205831, 22.038462
Records if any (mainly lekker flights distance or flying to a point and back): Fly to St Blaize and top land on meshy sports field
Any special arrangements: Note position of Stairs to walk back up