George Peak Launch Site
Situated next to the George Communication tower.
George Peak paragliding site is situated a next to the George Communication tower above the town of George in the Garden Route. The site was discovered and test flown by Johnnie and Deon Borrett who got the initial agreements in place that was ratified by the Skywings Club and the relevant landowners. The site is about 70-80m above the landing zone which forms a ledge, but the site sits about 300m from the valley below. The problem at the moment is that the plantation forest growth has put landing zone in rotor and shadow and makes for tricky landings. The site has delivered some nice flights and has immense XC potential. Access is thorugh the gate and permission must be arranged with Cape Nature. At present the site is not really used in favour of Tolberg. Skywings used to have an annual hike and fly off George Peak launching just below the peak. This has now stopped due to the path becoming overgrown and conservation has moved the path to a much longer route.
Skywings Club Site
Height: 70m 360 ASL
Wind direction and speed: 10-25 km SE S SW
Contact :Deon Borrett 072 1990622
GPS coordinates: 33°54’25.25″S 22°27’36.24″E
Records: No official records yet, but flights of 20-30km have been done by club members, so come and make your mark and fly some distance.